OKX Ventures年度报告:60+项目布局与14大趋势前瞻
作者:Stacy Muur,Web3研究员;翻译:金色财经xiaozou我一直非常关注一些最聪明的Web3团队发表的研究报告。他们的文章提供了...
获ai16z创始人Shaw力挺的aiPool与备受市场关注的Spore.fun均是利用Phala Network的TEE技术实现发币,这让上轮牛市中波卡生态活跃项目再次引得社区关注。
As the industry turns its focus to 2025, here are seven predictions for the big things that could happen next year.
Solana AI黑客松凸显出链上交易和DeFi如何成为AI代理的关键垂直领域。这些用例可能会推动2025年第一季度和第二季度的创新。
在接下来一个月内,任何人都可以通过 Daydreams 部署 AI Agent,来游玩 Starknet 上任何基于 Dojo 的全链游戏。
来源:福布斯作者:Leeor Shimron编译:比推BitpushNews2024 年是比特币和更广泛的加密货币生态系统的历史性转折点。这一年,...
Balaji, former CTO of Coinbase, tweeted that in the future, smart cars, smart watches and smart homes will be widely used, and each object will not only be able to communicate with people, but also communicate with each other, record conversations and coordinate tasks for its owner who holds the private key. He called this trend "AI Internet of Things". In response, Vitalik Buterin emphasized that ensuring that the ownership of the device belongs to the private key holder is not a default result, and it requires human efforts to promote it.
尽管这次 Story Protocol 雇佣 Luna 作为推特内容实习生是独立事件,但结合 ATCP/IP,背后体现的是未来 Agent 经济的基础设施建设已经开始迈步了。